Tech Mistakes Businesses Make

In this article, we will discuss Common Tech Mistakes Businesses Make.

Technology can have a tremendously positive impact on the prospects of a business. However, the key part of that sentence is can have; it’s not guaranteed. In fact, in some scenarios, technology can actually harm a business, especially in instances where the business suffers a cyber-attack.

Happily, negative fallout from technology is unlikely, provided the business doesn’t make one of the common technology-related errors that we see time and time again. We’ll take a look at some below; make sure you’re not guilty of them!

Going Overboard 

There’s no doubt that your business needs technology in order to reach its full potential. However, it’s important to remember that you don’t need all the technology. Many businesses end up spending far too much of their budget on buying technology that they don’t need. It might be nice to have the latest Apple computers and other gadgets, but in the vast majority of cases, those investments will just be overkill. Think about what you really need technology for, and buy appropriately. 

Failing to Invest in Employee Training

Having the right technology tools and software will allow your business to achieve great things. However, it can’t do it all on its own. In fact, it can’t really do any of it on its own — it’s the employees who do the actual work. The tech just provides some help and support. As such, it’s important that businesses invest in their employee training to ensure that all team members know how to use the technology effectively. If they can’t use the tools to their full potential, then you’ll be missing out on some of the benefits of investing in technology in the first place. 

Being Open to Cybercriminals

Your technology helps to make your business run more smoothly. Or at least, that’s how you see it. To some outsiders, your technology and software is simply a gold mine. The number of cyber-attacks has increased in recent years, with small to medium businesses particularly vulnerable to attacks. Cybercriminals have become extremely advanced in recent years, so it’s no longer possible for businesses to protect their sensitive data all on their own. Instead, it’s recommended to work with a cybersecurity company that can ensure that your data is always kept out of reach of people with bad intentions. In this day and age, you should treat your data security as seriously as you would treat keeping your door locked.

Having Management Make All The Decisions

Management will have the final say on what technology gets bought for the business. However, it’s also recommended that employees have at least some say, especially if the business is planning to upgrade their tools. After all, it’s the staff that will be using the equipment, and they might have some important insights to offer before the final selection has been made. 

Putting Complete Faith in One Tool

Technology is amazing when it works well, but frustrating — at best — when it doesn’t. In a business setting, a device that fails can have extremely negative consequences if the data isn’t backed up elsewhere. It’s important to assume that all of your tools will break at some point. If you can adopt that mindset, then you’ll have the foresight to back up any important data on a regular basis. This is especially important if you live in an area that’s prone to flooding or other issues since one study found that nearly 50% of businesses don’t reopen after being hit by a disaster, and that’s all because all of their assets have been wiped out. 

Taking Data On the Road 

We live in an age when more people than ever are spending working hours out of the office. In fact, in some cases, employees are spending next to no time in the office. Allowing employees to work from home — or anywhere — can bring a host of business benefits, including increased employee productivity and happiness. However, it can come with its own set of risks. For instance, by allowing employees to use their own devices, businesses may be making their data more vulnerable. It’s recommended to treat at-home devices as professional devices. In fact, you may even prevent employees from using their own devices for work purposes, especially if you work in a sensitive industry. 

As we’ve seen, there are plenty of ways to misuse business technology. The above points aren’t there to scare you, however, but rather to highlight the steps that all businesses must take to ensure that they can get the most from their tools. 

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Haider Khalid

IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) | Service Provider | Data Center Networks
Haider Khalid is an IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) who has worked with several ISPs & Telecom operators in Pakistan, Middle East and the UK. He is always keen to learn new technologies and likes to share them with his peers and other people. In case of any questions or feedback, please feel free to drop a comment below or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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