F5 LTM Concepts

This is the 2nd session in our series called F5 LTM Concepts. If you want to view the first session, please click F5 Networks Introduction & BIG-IP Modules

In this video, I have discussed basic F5 terminologies comprising LTM objects such as nodes, pools and pool members. I have also explained status icons for those objects which will be quite handy in F5 troubleshooting scenarios.

F5 LTM Concepts – BIG-IP Nodes, Pools and Pool Members

F5 LTM Objects – Nodes, Pools and Pool Members

Node: It is an IP address on a physical resource in a Network.

Pool Member: It is a combination of a node and an application port/service.

Pool: A pool is a collection of pool members for load balancing traffic. The load balancing techniques can vary depending upon your requirements. However, by default the F5 uses round robin load balancing mechanism.

F5 LTM Objects – Status Icons

Green circle – It is an indication that an object is available and online.

Blue square – This means that an object’s status is unknown. It can be due to misconfiguration or failed service check.

Red Diamond – It is an indication for an object being unavailable or offline. This occurs when the object is unreachable or not listening for a particular service.

Yellow Triangle – The object is currently unavailable but may become available later without any user intervention.

Black – Black icons indicate objects being disabled. It can be of 3 x types – black circle (object available, but disabled), black diamond (object unavailable and disabled) or black square (object unknown and disabled).

Grey icons – Grey icons are shown when a parent object is disabled or a related object is unavailable.

In case you have any queries or want to connect with Haider Khalid, please feel free to drop a comment or follow him on LinkedIn. Also, if this has been helpful, then please subscribe to our Youtube channel – Our Technology Planet for more exciting stuff and videos.

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Haider Khalid

IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) | Service Provider | Data Center Networks
Haider Khalid is an IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) who has worked with several ISPs & Telecom operators in Pakistan, Middle East and the UK. He is always keen to learn new technologies and likes to share them with his peers and other people. In case of any questions or feedback, please feel free to drop a comment below or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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