7 Steps to Transition Into Remote Working

In this article, let us have a look at top 7 Steps To Effortlessly Transition Into Remote Working.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many traditional workspaces, forcing organizations to shift to remote work. Despite the initial challenges, remote work has proven itself as a viable alternative to conventional office spaces beyond the covid lockdown. There are many potential benefits of remote working, including reduced overhead costs and improved work-life balance. 

However, enabling remote working requires a robust infrastructure if employees are to work efficiently and securely. Unfortunately, businesses that have not prepared and put the correct measures in place have often failed in their transition into remote working. 

Benefits Of Employees Working From Home

The pandemic forced many businesses to transition to remote working. However, despite the threat of covid being pretty much over, many companies have decided to keep their remote working policies in place. This is because there are many advantages to having employees working from home, including but not limited to the following:

Increased productivity: Remote work allows employees to focus on their work without distractions from co-workers, meetings, or the commute to the office.

Improved work-life balance: Working from home helps employees to find a balance between their personal and professional lives.

• Cost savings: Getting employees out of the workplace can reduce overhead costs for organizations, such as rent and utilities. It can also reduce the cost of commuting for employees.

• Access to a larger talent pool: Remote working allows organizations to hire the best talent from anywhere globally, not just within commuting distance.

Infrastructure Needed for Remote Working

Transitioning into remote working practices can be difficult and requires careful planning. To ensure that employees can work efficiently and securely from home, the following infrastructure components are essential:

  1. IT Support

Remote work relies on technology, and having IT support services in place ensures that employees always have access to the necessary tools for working. A top IT support team will be available to provide remote assistance to employees, troubleshoot any technical issues, and ensure that employees’ devices have the necessary software updates and security patches. 

Some IT support services also train employees to use the necessary technology and tools effectively. Overall hiring an IT support specialist is an excellent example of the benefits of outsourcing.

  1. Antivirus Software and Network Security

Moving into remote working means that antivirus measures need to be improved. Ensuring that sensitive company data is not compromised is more of a priority as the data is shared across more devices. Having data shared between more devices means that networks will likely have more weak spots and places that can be compromised. 

Employees should have updated antivirus software installed on their devices to protect against malware, phishing attacks, and other security threats. In addition, any employer should train employees to identify potential security threats and avoid falling victim to them.

It is worth understanding why antivirus software is important for businesses and how it works before any owner invests in a network security plan. 

  1. Communications

Effective communication is essential for remote work. Therefore, organizations should have robust communication tools in place to facilitate this. 

Video conferencing, instant messaging, and email can enable employees to stay in touch with colleagues and clients. 

For any business owner, it may be worth investing in robust project management systems to facilitate collaboration and teamwork. In addition, regular communication and interaction among team members should be encouraged to foster a sense of community and engagement. 

Without the correct communication systems, businesses often compromise their day-to-day efficiency once they transition into remote working.

  1. Secure Network Access

It is a good idea for an organization to have a secure virtual private network (VPN) to ensure employees can access the company’s resources securely. A VPN ensures that employees can connect to the company’s network securely and that all data transmitted is encrypted. Organizations should also establish policies and protocols for accessing the company’s network. 

  1. Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud-based solutions provide access to essential company tools and resources, such as files and applications, from any location. They benefit remote workers, allowing employees to access company resources securely from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. 

In addition, cloud-based solutions can also help organizations reduce their IT costs by eliminating the need for physical servers. Getting rid of physical servers reduces the need for in-house IT staff and saves money by reducing the payroll. 

  1. Ergonomic Workspaces

Employees who work best from home have a workspace ergonomically designed for comfort and productivity. Therefore, any business that wants to transition into remote working successfully should provide employees with appropriate desks, chairs, and lighting. 

Providing employees with guidelines and recommendations for setting up an ergonomic workspace and financial assistance for purchasing necessary equipment may be a good idea. Many complications can arise when employees do not have sufficient working space at home. 

  1. Work from Home Policies

Organizations should establish clear policies and guidelines for remote work to ensure employees understand their roles and responsibilities. By doing this, businesses can make sure employees have no excuse for not meeting their objectives. 

Work-from-home policies should outline the expectations for communication, productivity, and performance, as well as the protocols for accessing company resources and technology. Any employer should also establish clear guidelines for when employees are expected to be available and how to communicate their availability.

Embracing Remote Working: Key Takeaways

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work and will likely remain a significant part of the working life long after the pandemic. Some businesses choose to mix both remote work and on-site work. 

 Between January 2019 and May 2020,  the percentage of home workers rose from 4.7% to 61% of the total American workforce. It is clear to see that there has been a massive change in workplace trends in recent years.

To enable remote work, organizations must put in the necessary infrastructure and wait to transition from in-house to remote work until they do so. By investing in the infrastructure for remote work, any business can ensure that their employees can work efficiently and securely from any location, which often leads to increased productivity and profitability. 

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Haider Khalid

IP MPLS & Enterprise Core Network Engineer, CCIE# 52939
Haider Khalid is an IP MPLS & Enterprise Core Network Engineer (CCIE# 52939) who has worked with several ISPs & Telecom operators in Pakistan, Middle East and the UK. He is always keen to learn new technologies and likes to share them with his peers and other people. In case of any questions or feedback, please feel free to drop a comment below or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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