Train New Employees

In this article, we will discuss the The Most Effective Ways To Train New Employees.

Training new employees is a long game. You’ve got to make sure they’re right for the position, that they respond to the training program in place, and that they’re making progress over time. All the while they still need to perform their duties and slowly move up the ladder to be a fully responsible member of staff. 

Which is why you should know the most effective ways to train the new hires you’re bringing on board. As the boss, you just need to stay in touch with them as they learn, and check whether they’re making headway with the learning suite you’ve put together for them. And to make that an easier task on you, here are some tips that’ll help you bring them full circle into the job role they’re perfect for. 

Communicate Very Clearly

The very first thing to be mindful of. If you’re not communicating your expectations to new employees, you’re not going to get anything out of them. If you’re not immediately telling a new employee what you need from them, what they need to do, and how their training progression is going to go, the whole thing can end up as a mess! 

You’ll also need to keep up this communication strength as your new hire gets settled in. The first month on the job is the most important to know about, so make sure you’re staying in touch. Above all, don’t turn communication into a game, where you expect them to send a message or schedule a meeting first. 

Run an E-Learning Program

E-learning is amazing for the modern business. It means you don’t have to administer all training on site, or when your staff are on the clock. This means you can rely on them to keep up with the program outside of work hours, which leaves more time for you. This helps them to show initiative, which is promising for both sides in the early days of their employment. 

Of course, you’ll still have to pay them for doing this training during their own time. But this does mean they can focus on their job if they have basic tasks they need to be doing that don’t require any specialist training. Saving time is saving money, after all. 

Go Through Tech Tutorials

If you need to train an employee in using new software, follow the inbuilt tutorial that comes with the program first, no matter how in depth it is. All new users should have access to this kind of training. In all sectors, from hospitality to mining or metals sector, using software like a mining digital twin should open up with a step by step guide into what makes the tech work. 

You can then develop your own tutorial follow up, to help with common applications of the tech you’re going to be using. It’s best to have someone already trained run through this with any new hires, to make sure they’re following the instructions properly and fully understand what they’re learning. 

Assign Mentors

Mentors are one of the best methods for training new hires. These are the people who have been through it all before, and have some kind of seniority within your organization. Because of this, they’ll be able to pass on personal expertise, which is the best kind to benefit from. 

A mentoring program is great for all industries. You can enroll people in it automatically, as and when they gain the skills for it, but it’s also best to ask around to see if anyone is willing to take a new hire under their belt. The longer they’ve been with you, the better their wealth of workplace knowledge, so start with your longest standing employees. 

Mark Milestones

Training milestones should be celebrated. If they are, you’ll be able to motivate your new employees onto bigger and better things as they learn. Even with just a ‘well done’, you can spur them on to reach the next milestone, and complete their training in record time. You both want them to succeed, so show them that! 

Check in with Their Progress

If it’s been a week, check in to see where your employee is on their training calendar. You should be able to do this via the tech you’re using, but you can also ask them to send manual screenshots of the work they’ve done thus far. You need to know this, so you can accurately schedule them for the near future. 

You can also ask them to sit down with you one on one. Encourage them to talk openly about their experience and how they’re finding it, as well as if they’re struggling with anything they’re in the middle of learning. Learning curves can be difficult for anyone, no matter how skilled they might already be, so make sure you take everything they say into account in case you need to offer extra support. 

Ask New Employees to Rate Training for the Future

If your training program is going to continue to do well, you’ll need feedback on it. After all, the training world doesn’t exist in a vacuum. As times change in business, so do the things we need to learn. So ask people who have recently gone through it how they felt about it. 

Ask about both what they liked and what they felt could have worked better. You want to know where you’re going right and wrong, so you don’t discount any technical issues in either area. You can even give your employees a feedback form to fill in, anonymously, so they can say whatever they like about the program without any fear of being reprimanded. 

Training a new employee is hard work, and for good reason. But it shouldn’t put you off instituting a proper training regime that’ll save you time, money, and effort in the long run. The more you put the work in now, the better your new hire will work out, and that’s very good for business. 

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Haider Khalid

IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) | Service Provider | Data Center Networks
Haider Khalid is an IP Network Consultant (CCIE# 52939) who has worked with several ISPs & Telecom operators in Pakistan, Middle East and the UK. He is always keen to learn new technologies and likes to share them with his peers and other people. In case of any questions or feedback, please feel free to drop a comment below or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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